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SHSP and ATSAP Next Steps

View draft documents for the ATSAP and SHSP and share your feedback at

We want to hear from you about how to improve safety for all travelers in Arizona.

Improving the safety of Arizona’s public roadways so everyone arrives safely home is a top priority for the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). Unfortunately, recent safety data reveals a concerning trend. While Arizona’s population has increased 12% since 2013, our annual traffic fatalities have increased 55%, with pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities having increased 90%.

ADOT is taking action to reverse this trend by developing a comprehensive statewide plan – the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) – to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on all public roadways. The SHSP is a data-driven, multi-year safety plan that establishes a statewide vision, goal, and strategies for improving safety with the goal of reducing life-altering crashes by 20% within the next five years. The plan is based on a Safe System Approach, which looks at all factors affecting safety and emphasizes our shared responsibility for improving safety on roadways.

With pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities also increasing at a high rate, ADOT is in addition developing Arizona’s first Active Transportation Safety Action Plan (ATSAP), which will recommend location-specific projects to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists where they interact with the state highway system.

Public Outreach

Public Outreach Opportunities

Thank you! Drivers, commuters, pedestrians and bicyclists let us know their transportation and mobility safety concerns, taking the Safety Plan Survey, and participating in the Safety Pledge. We're on our way to make streets safer for all.

Safety Plan Survey

Safety Plan Survey

Strategic Highway Safety Plan and Active Transportation Safety Plan Survey

Safety Pledges

Creating a Safety Action Plan for Arizona

We all have a responsibility to improve safety. What can you do? Fill out the form below with one action you can commit to take to improve safety in Arizona. Then, look through what actions other survey respondents have committed to take to improve safety.

21 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Drive without distraction and obey safety limits

21 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

I will lay blame for much of the increased accidents and fatalities on highways squarely on Republicans who outlawed speed cameras.

20 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Pennington & baseline in Mesa visibility issues due to bushes looking east and light timing is heading north south

20 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

I will not partake in the vehicle arms race that costs more lives outside my vehicle. My car is not a battering ram. Smaller is better.

20 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Not drive when I'm tired

20 May, 2024

susankauffman says:

Put wide enough bike lanes on roads. Learn what bikers need for safety. Bikers not allowed to ride on sidewalks or roads with no bike lanes

18 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Keep advocating for effective public transportation, safer bike lanes, and less reliance on personal vehicles for EVERYTHING.

18 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

We need more dps officers being visible. It seems the only time you see an officer is at a crash scene

18 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Stay alert and be aware of how other drivers are moving along the roadways

18 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Advocate for better shielding and more appropriate placement, color temperature, and intensity of LED street lighting.

17 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Drivers need to use their TURN SIGNALS!!! That way we all know what others are doing. BIKE lanes are needed throughout the city!

17 May, 2024

Anonymous says:

Thank you for caring enough to ask the public!! I'm sure most responses want increased police and fire. I believe DRIVERS are responsible!

Visit for any upcoming feedback opportunities and to view project documents.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Name Nancy Becerra
Phone 1-855-712-8530